Celebrating OSSTF/FEESO Student Achievement Award Recipient

As one of eight provincial winners, Abigail was awarded a $1100 prize and will attend an award banquet in Toronto where a video showcasing Abigail’s work will be screened.


OSSTF/FEESO states, “The Student Achievement Awards is a writing and creative arts competition, which is open to all public secondary school students in Ontario. The competition is meant to encourage the intellectual development of our students and an interest in society. Each year, a new theme is selected, with this year’s theme reflecting, This Hits Different – The Power of Language.


In her artist statement, Abigail shares insight into her creation:

“For my power of language artwork, I made a ribbon skirt. Ribbon skirts are a big part of Indigenous fashion; but for my ribbon skirt I wanted to say something about me and how I’m changing with the language around me.”


Abigail designed and created her ribbon skirt using colours and patterns that reminded her of her home of Moose Factory. Her skirt proudly features her name in Cree syllabics. In her artist statement, Abigail also shares that she is beginning to speak Cree. She sees change happening with more youth interested in learning their language and more Indigenous language and culture courses in school.


Art teacher, Pamela Wilson, shares, “Abigail is an articulate, hardworking, inquisitive, and curious student who has been learning to craft and express herself in traditional mediums and techniques”.  ESCHS, Ms. Wilson and Ms. Sackaney are very proud of you!”.